Copyright © 2020 by Christopher Sherrah. All rights reserved. This website and all displayed images or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the site owner.

Copyright © 2023 by Christopher Sherrah. All rights reserved.
This website and all displayed images or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the site owner.

Welcome to Avalon Art, where you’ll find and can purchase high-resolution digitally enhanced original photos that have special effects applied to give them the appearance of watercolour paintings at a fraction of the cost of an original painting or print.

All the artworks found in this gallery originated as photos taken by Chris Sherrah, of Avalon Beach and surrounding areas.

Just click on any of the Gallery images and you can see how fantastic the canvas would look in your home or holiday house, or as a gift.

Prices are very competitive at $145 $95 for a 75cm X 100cm mounted canvas and $135 $85 for a 50cm X 100cm mounted canvas, including postage and handling within Australia. Other sizes and prices as per web site.

All artworks are limited edition with only 3 canvasses generated per artwork.

COMMISSION ORDERS - Please contact Chris if you would like me to take a photo of your special location and convert it to an artwork on canvas. Prices quoted based on size selected and location.
Alternatively, send me your special photo and allow me to convert it to an artwork on canvas. Draft artworks with different effects will be emailed to you for your final selection prior to being generated on canvas.